Does this look anything like President-elect
Obama? This doll is from a German toymaker who made the doll to commemorate Barack Obama. It's sad to see that we're still living in a time where this is the image of blacks in some minds of people. This is the exact same image of black dolls from the 1930's and 1940's. The shiny face, the dark skin, the big red lips. I just find amusing that someone has made up in their mind that this is the image they see when they think of black people.
Barack isn't nearly this dark. His lips are not painted with #037 cajun red lipstick and his hair is not....I don't even know what to call the hair that is on the doll-but its clearly a misrepresentation of Barack.
I'm just stunned that someone would make something like this in 2008. I feel like someone snatched a scene from the movie Bamboozled.
WAX DOLL!!! Yes-this is what this reminds me of. I was sitting trying to think of what this reminds me of and it looks like a wax doll. Yes I am a owner of a doll similar but my doll isn't a representation of an actual person. Yes she is a representation of a stereotype but I personally didn't find her offensive when I bought her. This image however is offensive because it isn't an image of Barack Obama that is even close to accurate. It's like someone took a little slave doll from the 1930's and threw a politician suit on him.