Monday, November 3, 2008


So today in my Interviewing and Performance class we had a guest speaker, media image consultant Gail Hayden. She was teaching about what clothing fabric and colors look good on camera and how to apply on camera makeup. She pulled a couple members from class to do a demo of how your everyday makeup looks completely different from how it appears on camera. First she picked a white guy from the class. Next a while female and just to show a variety she picked a black female last. We were all watching and listening closely as she explained that black people may look ashy under the lights so you must use makeup with yellow undertones to bring out the brightness in the skin. Ok so the funny part was when a guy yells out from the back of the studio-"so what color makeup do black people need to use?". LOL!!! Okay I know its not funny but it was funny at the moment. But then I felt bad because he was actually serious. He even got up and moved his chair up close to watch her apply the makeup. I just thought to myself-who asks something like that? Especially since there are 5 of us in the class and not two of us are the same complexion. It was just a bit shocking.

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